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_F_Michiel van Mens, streetphotography, Spuistraat

Spuistraat, Amsterdam, November 2023 Voor mij hoeft straatfotografie geen verhaal te vertellen. Ik wil ook niks onderzoeken, verhelderen of ‘bevragen’. Mijn enige doel is de alledaagse werkelijkheid op een eigen wijze registreren. Elke foto is een beeld op zichzelf.  Meerdere van deze straatfoto’s kunnen wel een sfeer oproepen en achteraf historische betekenis krijgen. Dit is …

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Michiel van Mens, Comics & Co, Cartoons,


During my Military Service I was trained as a photographer and “corporate journalist” . I got the unique opportunity to work with a professional photographer, traveled through Europe, wrote reports and made photo reports, stood for days in the darkroom with a beautiful magazine at the end of the month. After my service I made …

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Michiel van Mens comics man vrouw 11


Making comics is directly connected to my photography and silkscreen printing. For me they are all three in line with each other. The comics are based on photography. And I also make silkscreenprints of my comics. But my silkscreenprints go beyond my comics. Just like my photography. Ah….see for yourself

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Michiel van Mens is originally a data scientist and has extensive knowledge of complex algorithms. His ambition is to make a ‘painting robot arm’. To get there you need to have knowledge of colors and especially the layering of a painting. During this research phase he learned the technique of screen printing. And this further …

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Michiel van Mens, color, pictures, photograph, sony alpha 6400, imagemaker, comics, silkscreen print, cafe van Mechelen, Schinkel, Amsterdam, Sloterkade


Photo’s. The daily life. On the street. In color and black and white. Digital and analog. Edited. Seen through my camera.

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‘Old Amsterdam’

Everyday life, on the street, in Amsterdam. I am exclusively concerned with the combination of light, color, layering, composition and imagery. If these are in the correct proportion, I have captured the light for a moment in order to free it from its captivity in the digital print and bring it back to life.