2 color photography

2 color photography

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‘Old Amsterdam’

Everyday life, on the street, in Amsterdam. I am exclusively concerned with the combination of light, color, layering, composition and imagery. If these are in the correct proportion, I have captured the light for a moment in order to free it from its captivity in the digital print and bring it back to life.

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Elsewhere Street photography

Is there a difference between photographing in Amsterdam or outside of it? I think so. Especially if you compare the world outside with southern countries. The light outside is so different. The contrast and colors on the street. In Amsterdam, the world outside is mainly ’50 shades of red brick’. Look around and everyone is …

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Van Mens color Barletta Puglia 06477 bewerkt 6CM

Color images Italy

A series of photos mainly made in Puglia, southern Italy. I like coming there. The light and the colors, the contrasts in visual language and the daily moment in which I am a temporary guest. Not the bustle of the tourist cities but the rhythm of busy Italians or the silence of the afternoon break.

Michiel van Mens color mobile phone 6cm mobphone v1a

Mobile phone images

The smart phone is like the poleroid camera from the 1970s. At that periode, we thought the photos were beautiful. And you had the photo right in your hands. In retrospect, these poleroid photos are very time-bound. We will say the same about the photos taken with our smartphones in 30 years. the colors are …

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From Behind

It started by chance. I photographed a woman’s hands with her arms along her back, the right hand holding the left. She wears a purple dress. nothing else. The image intrigued me and since then I started looking for more images of people viewed from the back. It fits in nicely with the current era that you are no longer allowed to carelessly photograph people on the street because of privacy. It produces intriguing images, each with its own story. But which. As a viewer you can think of it yourself.